Cleopatra’s legacy (the secret of chemical peels)

Chemical peels have been around long before any lasers and other technological advances in dermatology… and it’s still being actively used by medical professionals all over the world today.

The beautiful Cleopatra (c.69 BC) was known to bath in sour milk. Sour milk produces lactic acid. Lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, is one of the milder chemical peel solutions that effectively exfoliate the skin, making skin look brighter and smooth.

Today, there are many varieties of chemical peel solutions that can address a multitude of skin concerns. Mind you, lactic acid is still being used today for those with sensitive skin, to address issues in areas with thin tissues, and as an entry point for a progressive chemical peel treatment program. Other chemical peels that I love using are mandelic acid peel and trichloroacetic acid peel.

Mandelic acid is a a gentle peel that can address skin pigmentation, fine lines and acne! Discomfort and flaking are minimal, that’s why this is a crowd favourite!!!

Trichloroacetic acid, depending on the concentration, can beautifully rejuvenate the skin and is the chemical peel of choice for acne scars (i.e. TCA CROSS). This peel can also improve pigmentation, but caution should be exercised when using this on Asian skin as we are at higher risk of post-peel hyperpigmentation. Tip: best to start with low concentration peels and slowly work your way up!

Today, there are peels that combine different active ingredients to address a wider variety of skin issues with just one treatment. Your dermatologist will evaluate your skin condition and determine which chemical peel solution will best address your concerns.